8 ounces cream cheese, softened
1 teaspoon favorite Dijon mustard
2½ cups shredded extra-sharp cheddar cheese
2 tablespoons heavy cream
¼ teaspoon sea salt
¼ cup favorite beer
2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley (I substituted 2 teaspoons dried)
  • Combine the cream cheese, mustard, cheddar cheese, heavy cream and salt in a food processor.
  • Pulse until well blended.
  • Add the beer, and continue processing until very smooth. 
  • Enjoy!
  • Be sure to take it out an hour before serving if you refrigerate it first.
  Don't forget to join us Sunday for 
Tailgating Time will be posted every Sunday at noon and open all week for you to add your football favorites. We'll play each and every week until Superbowl Sunday. I can't wait to see what you'll be bringing!
It's Tailgating Time!
Martha at Seaside Simplicity 
Tamy at 3 sides of Crazy 
Lyndsey at Tiny Skillet


Chris said...

I'll be cold smoking some cheeses in a month or two and I know that some will find their way into this dip.

Lyndsey said...

Tamy you always make the best dips! This one sounds awesome! Perfect for taigating!

~3 Sides of Crazy~ said...

Thanks Lyndsey, hubby and I are sitting here eating as we speak and it's great with chips or carrot sticks - that's what I really like about this recipe - really versatile so I can't wait to hear how the smoked cheese works for you Chris - sounds amazing.

Martha (MM) said...

Hey Tamy,
This one sounds like a winner, definitely going on my list to try during this football season! :-)

I'm just now finally getting around to visiting all our links!