Thursday 13 ~ ALL ABOUT PEPPER

Thank you Janet and Megan for resurrecting it!
  1. Originally from the tropics, pepper is a berry from the vine Piper Nigrum.
  2. There are many types of peppers grown all over the world.
  3. Most of the flavor is lost during cooking.
  4. Pepper should be added after cooking.
  5. Pepper stimulates gastric juices and stimulates digestive processes.
  6. Brings out and strengthens the inherent flavor of food.
  7. Black and white pepper come from the same vine.
  8. When first harvested the berries are red, odorless and tasteless.
  9. When dried in the sun they become black and spicy.
  10. White pepper is made from berries allowed to ripen longer and the berries are soaked (fermented) to remove the outer coating.
  11. White pepper is less spicy than black pepper.
  12. It is best to buy whole peppercorns and grind them as needed.
  13. Commercial ground pepper is made from a mixture of various peppers.


kandyblossom said...

Great list. I love pepper! Any kind, on anything.

Happy TT.

Hootin Anni said...

I didn't KNOW that I should be adding pepper AFTER the cooking is done....I learned something.

My Thursday 13 [scroll below my Thursday Thunks] post is now published. It's a fun quiz for you with a PRIZE I made to grab-- if you win!! If you have time....would appreciate your visit. Have a great day.

I am Harriet said...

I like pepper. Who knew?

Have a great Thursday!

Kristen said...

I love lists that teach me something new. I like your new look, too.

Calico Crazy said...

We love pepper in our household. I didn't know that black and white pepper came from the same berries though.

Calico Contemplations

Nicholas said...

very interesting. It's strange to thing that in days gone by, pepper was an expensive luxury.

Forgetfulone said...

My husband very much prefers to grind the pepper than buying it pre-ground. I only eat pepper on cream gravy. Yup. That's it! I use it when I cook, I just don't add it to anything at the table.