COD POCKETS adapted from The Magic Pumpkin
For 4 People

1 Pepperidge Farm Puff Pastry box = 3 POCKETS people
3 cod fillets
ground ginger
Juice of 1 lemon 
white pepper 
sesame seeds

  • Unroll the pastry and divide into 3 wedges.*
  • Rinse and dry cod fillets gently. 
  • In a bowl put the bread crumbs, ginger, salt and pepper, blending well.  Pour into a shallow dish
  • Dredge the cod fillets in the seasoned bread crumbs making sure to coat them evenly.
  • Sprinkle each filet with a VERY small amount of lemon juice. 
  • Wrap the fillet and seal all edges.
  • Lay the packetson a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, sprinkle with sesame seeds. 
  • Use a beaten egg wash.
  • Bake at 200 degrees for 20 minutes.  Serve Warm
*What I actually ended up with was 2 big and 2 small portions.


Alicia Marshall said...

Hi- just found your site and everything looks delicious!
What kind of pastry are you using for the cod pockets ?

threesidesofcrazy said...

Thanks Alicia. I used Pepperidge farm puff pastry sheets. I'll go fix that.